26. LIVE From the FNCE® Floor: Day 1


Staying up-to-date with trends and best practices is crucial for success in a nutrition practice. That’s why conferences like the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) are such game-changers. They’re the perfect place for professionals to connect, share, and learn from one another. This week, I had the opportunity to both present and have an exhibit at FNCE, chatting with some leading experts in our field. These conversations happened in my booth in the exposition hall. The goal? To introduce you to leaders in the field and discuss the current state of nutrition, upcoming trends, and common challenges.

Today, I’m bringing those conversations to you. You’ll hear from these experts about their experiences, what excites them about nutrition, and where they think we’re headed. Whether you’re a fellow nutritionist or just curious about the latest in nutrition, this episode is packed with real, actionable insights. So, let’s jump in and hear directly from those shaping the future of nutrition.

Interviews with:

  • Katie Dodd, MS, RDN, CSG, LD, FAND of Dietitian Side Hustle
  • Shefaly Ravula, PA-C of Precision Metabolic Health
  • Nicole Groman, MS, RDN of Nicole Groman Nutrition and @thehungryclementine

Katie Dodd, MS, RDN, CSG, LD, FAND

Dietitian Side Hustle

Katie Dodd, the founder of Dietitian Side Hustle, wears multiple hats, including hosting a podcast, blogging, and coaching dietitians to achieve their dreams and build businesses based on blogging. Katie helps dietitians discover their passions, overcome self-doubt, and create fulfilling careers.

In our conversation on the floor, we discussed the excitement in the field of dietetics, particularly the opportunities presented by the internet and virtual platforms. Katie emphasizes the abundance mindset and the importance of finding one’s unique voice, even in seemingly saturated niches. Katie advises our listeners to overcome their fears and articulate their big dreams, encouraging them to put their aspirations on paper and take small actionable steps towards their goals. We both stressed the significance of seeking support and not trying to achieve these goals alone.

Shefaly Ravula, PA-C

Precision Metabolic Health

In this conversation, Shefaly Ravula, a physician assistant at Precision Metabolic Health and a member of the LivingPlateRx community, discussed her background as a board-certified physician assistant. She talks about her transition into practicing integrative and functional medicine, particularly focusing on gut health, longevity, and health optimization.

Shefaly focuses her interest in utilizing advanced data, including continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and nutrigenomics, to tailor individualized care. She also highlighted the significance of body composition scans, specifically DEXA scans, in assessing factors like visceral adiposity, pro-inflammatory fat, and skeletal muscle mass. The conversation also highlights the importance of understanding comprehensive data for personalized healthcare and the role of factors such as sleep, stress management, and exercise physiology in promoting longevity and overall health.

Nicole Groman, MS, RDN

Nicole Groman Nutrition


Nicole Grohman, a private practice dietitian specializing in disordered eating, chronic dieting, and orthorexia, shares her journey of overcoming orthorexia. She also talks about how it inspired her to become a dietitian focusing on intuitive eating and health at every size.

Nicole serves clients who have been dieting for a long time and are looking to stop dieting and develop a healthier relationship with food. She helps them through one-on-one counseling and her group program, focusing on education through connection. Nicole calls attention to the importance of challenging clients’ internalized beliefs about food and body, encouraging them to reconnect with their bodies and appreciate them without guilt.

She finds inspiration in the growing awareness of intuitive eating and the evidence-based approach to nutrition. Nicole uses social media, particularly Instagram, to educate her audience about concepts like the hunger-satiety scale, emphasizing the importance of feeling and honoring fullness. Her approach is grounded in evidence-based tools, which she communicates to her audience through relatable language and casual conversations, bridging the gap between evidence-based practice and social media communication. Nicole’s content emphasizes the importance of connecting with one’s body and promoting self-compassion in the journey toward intuitive eating.

Your Content Cure for This Week

I hope you enjoyed these conversations with colleagues. 

This week we are providing you with resources from our guests.


Your goal this week is to look into these resources and identify those that can support you with advancing your practice – whether it’s connecting with one of the experts for support in understanding their practice and business focus or exploring their innovative offerings.

Jeanne Petrucci Unpacking Groceries

Jeanne Petrucci MS RDN

Founder, Expert Nutrition Content Creator

Get the tools and support you need to grow your practice.

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