30. Roadmap for Creating a Nutrition Challenge


The New Year brings new opportunities, aspirations, and resolutions. For many, health and wellness tops the list, with nutrition playing a pivotal role. 

As a nutrition professional, this is your moment to shine, support, and grow your practice. Challenges, especially those timed at the beginning of the year, align perfectly with this surge of motivation, becoming one of the most potent tools in your marketing arsenal.

With attention spans becoming more limited, challenges provide a structured, focused, and interactive way to engage potential clients. These condensed, often intense periods of engagement not only offer participants value and tangible results but also present an opportunity for you to showcase your expertise in a way that addresses targeted concerns. 

It’s a win-win – while participants gain insights and benefits, you cultivate trust, authority, and, crucially, a pool of potential long-term clients.

By the end of this episode, you’ll have a clear vision for creating and executing a successful nutrition challenge and you’ll also have an invitation to our upcoming free event on Building Nutrition Challenges as Lead Magnets. 

We’ll cover the right type of challenge for your audience, using targeted marketing techniques, understanding the tools and technology that can support you, and ensuring that once the challenge concludes, your participants remain engaged and primed to transition into long-term clients. 

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting, this episode is packed with strategies to make your Q1 challenge a resounding success.

We’ll cover:

  • The Dual Benefit of Challenges
  • Anatomy of a Nutrition Challenge
  • Maximizing the Impact of Nutrition Challenges

The Dual Benefit of Challenges

From a professional’s perspective, challenges aren’t just about the immediate value they provide participants. While they certainly cater to the current wave of people seeking structured, quick, and impactful interventions, they also serve as powerful marketing tools. Here’s how:

  • Showcasing Expertise: Challenges give you a platform to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and unique approach. It’s your stage, and participants are your audience, gauging if a longer-term commitment with you might be worth their while.
  • Building Trust and Rapport: With the condensed interaction over the challenge period, participants often feel a heightened sense of connection. Your guidance during their small wins or hurdles fosters trust, making it easier to transition them into long-term clients.
  • Gathering Data and Feedback: Challenges provide real-time feedback about what works and what doesn’t. This is invaluable data, aiding in refining future offerings and understanding your target audience better.
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A well-executed challenge can turn participants into advocates. Their journey, results, and testimonials can influence their peers, amplifying your reach.
  • Economical and Scalable: Unlike one-on-one sessions, challenges can cater to a larger audience simultaneously, maximizing impact without proportionally increasing your workload. Plus, the digital age offers tools that make managing and scaling these challenges more feasible than ever.

Nutrition challenges are strategic tools. For you, they offer a low-barrier introduction of services to potential clients. For your ideal clients, they’re a chance to test-drive a new lifestyle under expert guidance. When done right, it’s a win-win, setting the stage for deeper, longer-term engagements.

Anatomy of a Nutrition Challenge

At its core, a nutrition challenge is a structured, time-bound program that invites participants to adopt certain nutrition habits, try out specific dietary interventions, or achieve a particular health goal. Think of it as a ‘trial run’ – it might span a week of clean eating, a 10-day sugar detox, or even a month-long plant-based diet exploration. Each day or phase of the challenge is meticulously planned, often accompanied by guidelines, resources, and support mechanisms, ensuring participants aren’t just following directives but are engaged and educated throughout the process.

Key Components:

As we review these key components, think about what can be evergreen – content that can be delivered without you facilitating it – and what can be interactive. A mix of the two is optimal. A 100% evergreen challenge will not be as engaging and a 100% live challenge is not sustainable.

Welcome and Introduction Materials

  • Welcome video or document explaining the challenge – this can be recorded
  • Overview slide deck detailing goals, expectations, and daily routines – provide challenge participants with a roadmap for the experience

Weekly Educational Content

Maintaining a similar structure for all weeks will not only make your life easier, but it will also support participants in knowing what to expect.

  • Slide decks for each week, covering different aspects of the nutrition challenge
  • Knowledge checks
  • Materials like educational handouts
  • Cooking videos with recipes
  • Weekly meal plans
  • Shopping lists
  • Weekly goal-setting sheets

Daily Educational Content

  • Brief emails that serve as nudges and are motivational
  • SMS messaging with affirmations

Interactive Components

  • Live weekly Q&A sessions to address participant questions and provide real-time support
  • Interactive workshops focusing on key challenge topics – maybe a weekly cooking demonstration
  • Exercise or wellness routines that complement the nutritional focus of the challenge

Community and Support

  • Access to a private Facebook group or online forum for participants to share experiences, challenges, and successes

Tracking and Progress Monitoring

  • Worksheets or digital tools for participants to track their daily food intake, mood, energy levels, etc.
  • Progress check-in templates to help participants self-evaluate and stay on track.

Feedback and Evaluation

  • Surveys or feedback forms to gather participants’ opinions and experiences during the challenge – weekly feedback form
  • Post-challenge evaluation to assess the impact and gather testimonials for marketing purposes.

Closing Materials

  • A wrap-up video or document summarizing the challenge and its outcomes.
  • Guidance on how to maintain or build upon the progress made during the challenge.

Follow-up Offers

  • Special offers or incentives for challenge participants to continue their journey with more in-depth programs or one-on-one consultations.

Maximizing the Impact of Nutrition Challenges

The Power of Specificity

  • Identifying a Core Problem: The most impactful challenges address a specific problem or pain point [real or perceived] that your ideal client faces. This could be anything from sugar cravings and meal-planning struggles to the perceived problem of “toxicity” and the desire to “detox” [a STRONG message this time of year]
  • Why Specificity Works: When you focus on one key issue, your challenge becomes highly relevant and engaging for those struggling with that particular problem. It promises a solution to something that deeply affects their daily life.

Creating a Laser-Focused Challenge

  • Problem-Solution Format: Design your challenge around the format of identifying a problem and providing a clear, actionable solution. For example, a “7-Day Sugar Detox” for those struggling with sugar cravings or “Clean Slate Cleanse: 30 Days to Naturally Detoxify Your Body”
  • Measurable Outcomes: Ensure that the challenge offers a tangible, measurable outcome or win, like feeling more energized, sleeping better, and improving gut symptoms. This gives participants a clear goal to strive towards.

Using Tools and Technology

  • Learning Platforms or EHR: Host your challenge on an LMS or your EHR for a seamless experience.
  • Digital Platforms: Leverage tools like social media, your website, or email marketing software for promoting and running the challenge.
  • Automation for Efficiency: Use automated email sequences to deliver challenge content, reminders, and motivational messages.

Engagement and Interaction

  • Creating Community: Foster a sense of community among participants through forums, social media groups, group chats, or live interactive sessions.
  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule live Q&As, webinars, or group discussions to maintain engagement and address any questions or challenges participants face.

The End Goal

  • Short-Term Achievements Leading to Long-Term Goals: While the challenge itself is short-term, the ultimate objective is to instill long-lasting healthy habits. The challenge should be designed in a way that the habits, knowledge, and insights gained can be carried forward beyond the challenge duration.
  • Showcasing Immediate Benefits: A well-designed challenge helps participants see quick results, be it feeling more energetic, better digestion, weight management, or just an overall sense of well-being. These immediate benefits are crucial for keeping participants motivated and engaged.

Promotion and Enrollment

In Episode #6, I provide you with a 9-Step Launch Runway that you can use for a nutrition challenge. A downloadable ebook is available in that podcast so I won’t cover all the details here. Let’s take a higher-level look at what you can do to promote enrollment in your challenge to make it an email list-building machine.

The Power of Strategic Marketing

  • Tailored Messaging: Craft your promotional messages to speak directly to the pain points and aspirations of your target audience. Use language that resonates with them, emphasizing the specific benefits of the challenge.

Here is an example of tailored messaging for our “Clean Slate Cleanse: 30 Days to Naturally Detoxify Your Body”

“Are you feeling sluggish, bloated, or just not your best self? It’s time to reset and rejuvenate with our 30-Day Natural Detox Challenge! This isn’t just another quick-fix detox. We understand how toxins in our environment, food, and lifestyle can weigh us down. Our challenge is designed to help you gently cleanse your body, boost your energy levels, and kickstart a healthier lifestyle with natural, whole-food-based solutions.

Why Join Us?

  • Reclaim Your Energy: Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a newfound vitality.
  • Whole Body Refresh: Experience natural detoxification that respects your body’s balance.
  • Expert Guidance: Get daily tips, recipes, and support from nutrition experts.
  • Community Support: Join a like-minded group committed to a healthier, toxin-free lifestyle.

Take the first step towards a cleaner, lighter, and more vibrant you. Sign up now and embrace a healthier approach to detoxification that your body will thank you for!”

This message focuses on the pain points (feeling sluggish and bloated) and the aspirations (increased energy, healthier lifestyle) of the target audience. It emphasizes the benefits of the challenge in a language that resonates with individuals looking for a natural and balanced approach to detoxification.

  • Multichannel Approach: Utilize various channels like social media, email marketing, your website, and even partnerships with other professionals to spread the word.

Creating a Sense of Urgency

  • Limited Spots or Time-Sensitive Offers: Create a sense of urgency by limiting the number of participants, setting an expiration date for enrollment, or offering bonuses to early enrollees.
  • Countdown Timers: On your website or in emails, use countdown timers to remind potential participants of the impending start date or closing of enrollment.

Post-Challenge Engagement

The conclusion of a challenge isn’t an end, but a gateway to deeper engagement with participants. Effective post-challenge engagement is crucial for transitioning participants into long-term clients and advocates for your practice.

Effective Follow-Up

  • Conduct a closing event or send a heartfelt thank you message, celebrating the participants’ journey and achievements.
  • Offer individual follow-up discovery calls to discuss personal progress, challenges, and future goals.
  • Send out a post-challenge survey to collect feedback, testimonials, and suggestions for improvement – for testimonials with pictures [most effective] offer something small in exchange, like a $5 gift card for a cup of coffee “on you”.

Converting Participants to Clients

  • Develop tailored follow-up programs or offers that directly address the needs and goals highlighted during the challenge – these should expand upon the problem you solved in the challenge and should be aimed at promising sustainable success for those who opt-in.
  • Create a sense of ongoing community by inviting participants to exclusive groups or forums for continued support and engagement.
  • Share success stories and transformations achieved during the challenge to motivate participants and showcase the value of your services.

Building Lasting Relationships [keep them in the funnel!]

  • Use the insights gained from the challenge to personalize your communication and offerings to the participants.
  • Introduce referral programs or incentives for participants to bring their friends or family into your practice.
  • Continuously engage with the challenge alumni through newsletters, social media, or exclusive events to keep them connected and interested in your practice.

Seizing the Moment for Practice Growth

As we wrap up today’s discussion on creating impactful nutrition challenges, it’s evident that this tool can be transformative for your practice. Challenges are not just about immediate client engagement; they’re a strategic approach to building long-lasting relationships and establishing your authority in the field of nutrition.

Remember, the success of a challenge lies in its thoughtful design, targeted promotion, and the personal connection you establish with each participant. By focusing on providing immense value and nurturing post-challenge relationships, you’re not only helping people achieve their health goals; you’re also growing a community of engaged, loyal clients.

Understanding the nuances of a successful challenge and implementing it effectively requires insight, planning, and the right strategies. That’s why I am hosting an upcoming event, “Create a Lead-Generating Nutrition Challenge” in December. 

This event is designed to provide you with all the tools, knowledge, and support you need to launch a challenge that will not only attract attention but also convert participants into long-term clients.

Join us on December 6th at 2 pm for this live event where I break down the strategy of creating and leveraging nutrition challenges as powerful lead magnets. Whether you’re new to this concept or looking to refine your existing strategies, this event will equip you with practical tips and innovative ideas to ignite your practice in 2024.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your approach and energize your practice. 

Your Content Cure for This Week

Your Content Cure for this week is to register for this event! There will be limited replays – you’ll be able to access the recording for one week but those who show up live will get the most out of this workshop-style event. Here is the link:


Once you register you’ll have the opportunity to purchase a low-cost, high-value content bundle called “Challenge in a Box” for $74 – remember The Clean Slate Cleanse I mentioned earlier? I am providing you with ALL the bells and whistles to put it together and market it. You can brand it, edit it, and of course, rename it to fit your niche. With this content bundle, you’ll be able to launch your challenge in the New Year and still have time to enjoy the holidays with friends and family.

Key Takeaway

The New Year presents a valuable opportunity for nutrition professionals to leverage health resolutions through challenges, serving as potent marketing tools. Components of a successful nutrition challenge include diverse materials, specificity in addressing client needs, and measurable outcomes. 

Utilizing technology, fostering engagement, and employing strategic promotion is key to maximizing impact. Post-challenge engagement, personalized communication, and continuous relationship-building efforts contribute to sustained success. 

Challenges, when thoughtfully designed and promoted, can transform practices, establishing authority and fostering lasting relationships. By understanding and implementing these strategies, nutrition professionals can effectively use challenges to not only attract attention but also build a community of engaged and loyal clients.

Jeanne Petrucci Unpacking Groceries

Jeanne Petrucci MS RDN

Founder, Expert Nutrition Content Creator

Get the tools and support you need to grow your practice.

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